Sunday, June 27, 2010

Epic Fail

Well, considering I forgot about this --

I won't be uploading pics for a while

I'll start again at some point.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Simple Sundays

Since today was my first day doing the 365 Project, and today I had planned on going to see my pap for the day, I decided why not have him be my very first picture! I didn't explain to him what I was doing, but just asked if he would take some pictures with me.

We took a few but both decided this one was our best.

Now, granted I have no make up on, and you can't see his left eye - BUT we still liked this one best.

I also like this next one, because he cracked a joke, and you can still see the real laughter in our eyes

So here's my first picture (ok 2 pictures, whateever - sue me) of the project. I don't care that it's not a professional picture or one thats breathtaking, its somthing that I like - and thats all that matters.

Starting Today

Starting today, I will be taking a picture every day for the next year. I found the website 365 Project and liked the idea of it all. So for the next year, I'll use this blog to post all of the pictures that I take. I might not be posting every day, but I will be posting.